Tuesday, November 11, 2008

2008-10-16 Readings - Sensor Networks


Samuel Madden, Michael J. Franklin, Joseph M. Hellerstein, Wei Hong


Describes a way to implement SQL-like functionality for ad-hoc sensor nets. There are two key ideas. First, users write SQL-like stuff to query the sensor net, instead of writing low-level potentially buggy C code to do the same thing. Second, the query will be fulfilled as it is "incast" back to the query source. Lots of tricks to save the amount of transmission to reduce energy consumption. Simulation based evaluation and prototype implemented. Results show their system performs much better than "centralized" query in cutting down communication.

Discussion & Criticisms:

Philosophically speaking, I do believe aggregation is very important for sensor networks. Also, detecting anomalies also very important. So are we opening some sort of flood gate of requests for all functionalities to be put on the sensor motes? Ok so we can express anomalies detection queries in SQL. Non-SQL expressible queries? If there can be such things ....

Transmission power >> on-board computational power for wireless. Therefore all the efforts to do as much as possible through active nodes in the network makes complete sense. Should borrow this general approach for other wireless apps. Wired situations on-board computation power ~ or > transmission power, so duplicate computations may be more power intensive there. How can we systematically measure end-to-end power efficiency in wireless?

Did the paper try to cram too much into a limited amount of space? It also defined more or less a new database query language.

Insights can be recyled in DHT stuff? Basically the paper outlines a way to implement a distributed database capable of responding to a variety of queries. There's GOT to be use for the same ideas elsewhere.

Agree with the usability argument that user-facing API should be as high level as possible. Wouldn't want to have a null pointer exception from a mote ... I want to actually use this!

Also liked the work as an example of mixing fields (databases and wireless) to create something really funky and really new. No longer a new idea and people have caught on and done follow up studies, right?


Chalermek Intanagonwiwat, Ramesh Govindan, Deborah Estrin


Describes the directed diffusion paradigm for sensor nets. Tasks described by attribute-value pair. A node injects "interest" in certain tasks. The "interest" gets forwarded periodically and kept alive periodically through the network. Nodes getting an "interest" may forward it to some subset of its neighbors. "Interest" state is cached at nodes, with state scaling with the number of active tasks. "Gradients" establish the direction of data propagation. Nodes propagate along the gradients the events they detect that match their cached interests. Can "reinforce" certain paths to select gradients for data flow based on empirical link quality.

Discussions & Criticisms:

The key ideas are not seen only here - doing computation in the network, use empirically good paths. I feel like doing some reference and publishing date chasing to see who borrowed from what, or have we been reinventing the wheel, so to speak. Would be sad if the wireless world got so big that even experts in the field cannot keep up .... TAG did give a nod to this paper, I don't think the Roofnet set of papers referenced this, even though they came later.

Data centric approach definitely smells of design sensibilities from databases. Chased down the authors backgrounds. Interestingly none of them have a prominant database background.

The authors explicity want to defer the study of naming to focus on the study of diffusion/data routing. I understand the need for this. But can it actually be done? Not convinced if all their results need to be qualified as "The system is thus given we name everything like this."

Periodic broadcast of "interest" - doesn't this lead to very bad/chatty protocol that's very power hungry? Possibly that alone undid all the savings from doing data transformation in the network. Their comparative simulations relative to flooding and omniscient multi-cast would fail to capture this cost.

State storage could become a scalability issues when the number of active tasks go up.

Again, doing more computations on nodes can save transmission energy - duplicate suppression unsurprisingly good.

I wonder what power model they used to compute/simulate dissipated energy. Looks like they only included transmission energy anyways. The authors weren't very detailed about this.

Did not like the somewhat unintuitive terminology.

I also noticed that my routine skepticism re wireless ad-hoc networks for IP type data reduces significantly when we're talking about wireless ad-hoc for sensor nets.

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