Tuesday, September 16, 2008

2008-09-16 Readings - Router Congestion Control


Sally Floyd & Van Jacobson

Outlines Random Early Detection (RED), an active queue management scheme that works with TCP to ensure better congestion avoidance. Basic idea is to keep queue sizes low while accommodating bursts in traffic. Does so by probabilistically marking packets when queue length exceeds a threshold. Presumably TCP senders/receivers respond to marked packets by adjusting their congestion windows. Contains detailed math regarding implementation and how to adaptively estimate various parameters. Has several desirable properties - flows get notified about congestion before packet drop, flows with larger share of bandwidth get more marked packets, avoids global synchronization where all flows reduce window at the same time upon congestion, no bias against bursty traffic, etc.

Background required: Need to know basic TCP. The paper itself provides overview of other needed material like ERD, DECbit, etc.

Discussion & Criticism: Did I miss this in the paper or did they not specify the details of how the TCP end hosts respond to market packets? The marked packets continue forward to destination, requiring the destination to send marked ACKs back to the sender, so that the sender may reduce its windows. Is this how it works or do they have explicit "marked" packets going back from router to sender directly? Do they mark packets by dropping them?!?!?

Also, much of their data proves only that RED actually works and does what it's supposed to do. The comparative data with drop tail gateways are not overwhelmingly convincing. Figure 5 comparing average queue size show RED is definitely better - but what's the significance? i.e. queue length of 70 is how much slower than queue length of 20? Also, does data from Fig. 5. conflict with data in Fig. 12-14 with regard to queue length and utilization? Seems like simulation results are very topology dependent. Also, it seems RED has same efficiency as drop tail and random drop schemes, per Fig. 12-14. The fairness for bursty traffic argument is dubious - one could say bursty traffic should get incentive in the routing layer to smooth out their behavior. Also not sure Fig. 16. tells what the authors claim it tells ...

Overall not clear how much better RED is compared with drop tail or other schemes. The other paper shows that RED sucks in certain conditions.


Dina Katabi, Mark Handley, Charlie Rohrs

Summary: Outlines XCP, a new transport level protocol that works well in both "conventional" environments and environments with high bandwidth-product links. XCP relies on XCP routers in the network to give explicit feedback regarding the state on congestion. The main mechanism is a congestion header where the sender indicates congestion window and RTT, and one or more routers may modify a feedback field. The feedback is a fine-grained indication of congestion (unlike binary indication - lost packet or no lost packet), and is mirrored from the receiver back to the sender. Contains detailed math from control theory to prove stability. Comparative data with other queue management schemes are reasonably convincing.

Background: Basic TCP. Paper contains overview of other required material like RED AVQ, CSFQ etc. (CSFQ is a previous reading). Did they confuse RED with REM?

Discusssion & Criticism:
One should feel it highly unconventional to have a transport protocol that totally rely on routing infrastructure. This is a fundamental shift in design philosophy. It's not clear that the benefits of XCP (relatively clearly demonstrated) is worth giving up the ability to change transport protocols without modifying the underlying routing infrastructure.

Their claim regarding the security of the protocol sounds like total rubbish. The protocol protects against the particular kind of misbehaving flows that they identified - i.e. a fire-hose flow blasting away without regard to congestion control. But, they're missing the case where someone spoofs as a router and send packets with spurious congestion headers, telling everyone else to decrease their window, and the hacker's flow to increase window. The congestion info is sent in clear text, and there's no way to verify that the routers and not some hacker modified the markings. If we're to have active networks then we've got to make sure people can't abuse the network.


Randy H. Katz said...

RED Paper: marking is either packet drop (TCP behaves normally) or alternatively, you set a congestion bit. Sender should cut window in half if it sees this bit. Or resets CWND to 1 if time out.
XCP Paper: The ends do participate in the protocol, by (1) being responsive to congestion signals, (2) reporting their RTT and CWND in the congestion header, (3) setting the H factor with signals to the network about their desired windowed size.

Yanpei Chen said...

Thanks Randy. Yea I bring my random questions to discussion - hopefully they're not too disruptive.

Peter Alvaro said...

I think random, disruptive questions are awesome.